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The first information that Maitreya received about his Mission was given in preparation for his fourth initiation - also known as the “spiritual crucifixion” - which he underwent at the appropriate age of 29 - or during the so-called “Revolution of Saturn”. And more precisely, it was intended to prepare the future Buddha for this serious ordeal that was announced in his destiny as World Teacher.
The solemn communication of his Mission was carried out by Maitreya’s exalted spiritual Godparents themselves, through their appearance directly next to him, in a kind of informal meeting in a specially prepared place. The episode is equivalent, in a certain sense, to the Transfiguration of Jesus on the top of Mount Tabor, where Moses and Elijah also appeared to Jesus.
There was a need to inform Maitreya at that time about matters concerning his remote spiritual past and to make him aware of his other previous Missions. The acceptance of these revelations was crucial for the success of the Mission, and even for overcoming the great ordeals that were underway; It was therefore believed that this direct manifestation of the Masters could help in the proper understanding of things.
What are the implications of this statement? Why should it be made at this time? How was Maitreya prepared to reach this moment and what was his first reaction to the great revelations he would then receive? All of this will be answered in this Chapter, where we will deal with a crucial moment in the trajectory of the future Buddha, when he becomes aware of his mission, of who he was in the past and who he must become from now on.
The epiphany of Maitreya's transfiguration with the manifestation of the Masters in preparation for his fourth initiation would therefore be only the corollary of a long personal assistance received, which only grew into the testimony of a successful spiritual journey.
1. The Awakening
Maitreya had already been observed by the Hierarchies for a long time. In a subtle way, the Masters had been guiding Maitreya since his childhood, including through mystical experiences defined as astral travels, foreshadowings of a religious vocation and others. Sometimes it was even necessary to intervene more drastically in moments when the recklessness of youth overcame the voice of reason, putting their lives at risk.
After his great spiritual awakening in Christ - since his manifestation was Western as predicted - at the dawn of his adult life, Maitreya decided to abandon a materially promising life to dedicate himself exclusively to spirituality, similar to what had happened to Saint Francis of Assisi. From then on, the Masters began to grant definite commands to guide Maitreya's path. A brief sentence received at the very beginning of his first spiritual studies would serve as a seed thought for many years, and it went like this:
“The world needs Masters.”
This thought helped Maitreya to become receptive to the idea of the Masters, also serving as a subliminal idea to stimulate the young Maitreya's steps along the paths of responsibility and service to humanity..
With the arrival of his discipleship, Maitreya began to intimately know the teachings of his personal Mentors. At this moment, Maitreya received a Decree that would help his Soul to mature for a life of service. Maitreya called this sentence “Words of the Porch”, an aphorism that went like this:
“My greeting is only one: work.
I am no different from my brother.
And if someone says that I have my own path,
I will reply that I have not yet found it;
For a path that is only mine
would be of little use to me”.
And it was in this way that from then on Maitreya would present himself to the world, if not formally, at least through his dedicated services to humanity, thus affirming his determination to serve and help everyone.
And despite his Christian awakening, his ancient Eastern roots would soon manifest themselves, with Maitreya then seeking knowledge of Yoga and the path of Ashrams or monasteries.
He then devoted himself assiduously to his practices and soon began to practice the most advanced yogas, soon discovering schools that taught this knowledge in order to develop it properly. With this he had his discipleship and soon reached the solar initiation with laurel, considering that only the greatest yoga enthusiasts reach this gradation.
From then on Maitreya was also prepared to test himself in the Major Initiations, those that only the Masters are able to complete. Before this, however, he received the opportunity to make his Decision - as is customary on spiritual paths - which in practice means choosing between continuing to evolve or dedicating himself to teaching the important knowledge already acquired.
2. The Decision
It is considered normal that, after years of intense dedication, solitude and asceticism, the initiate wishes to return his achievements to society, in order to be able to encompass larger circles of influence. It is like descending the Mountain of Initiation to deliver the knowledge acquired to the world, aiming to benefit others.
The impact of the energy of a true Initiate is always powerful, because an Initiate is like a powerhouse of vigor and energy in general, producing fascination and enchantment - even if he is not yet a great enlightened being.
In practice, the Initiate will be making a choice about how to invest the great capital he has accumulated in terms of health, vigor, intelligence, charisma and knowledge: choosing between a horizontal life of prestige and power, or a vertical life of renunciations and sacrifices - a decision that in some cases can also mean choosing between the White Lodge and the Black Lodge, although many prefer to remain in a kind of threshold zone and overflow onto gray paths, creating organizations of average wisdom.
Maitreya then fully understood the great future he could have in the Occult Sciences. Years before he had already achieved great success as an astrologer, and now he was recognized as a skilled instructor of advanced Yogas. He had a strong intimacy with the Secret Arts, in terms of rites and knowledge. He had received initiations and spent a long time in monasteries. He even had the support of his family at that time, for lack of anything better to support them. To top it all off, he enjoyed good oratory and the power of persuasion.
It should come as no surprise that this Initiation also has a strong political vocation, since it represents the very spiritual essence of the kshatrya or warrior caste. In fact, the very foundation of Ancient Civilizations was linked to the action of spiritualized social leaders. Thus, wealth, power and fame were peacefully announced on their horizons through these and many other means that Maitreya could glimpse, as the great magician and kabbalist that he also was.
Maitreya could also have returned to formal studies at this point, since he had basically strengthened himself internally to be able to better face the world and contribute to it. This would have been a way of preparing himself to exercise his role as Vanaprastha or teacher, which was his role at this time. The world would thus be gifted with a teacher who had completed a dual training – Western and Eastern. In doing so, he would have been doing nothing more than following the Hermetic law of “ascending to heaven and descending to earth” in order to obtain true liberation.
However, he still did not wish to reap the laurels of his achievements, because the spirit of renunciation and sacrifice had always been very pronounced in him. This is what would ultimately make him the true Maitreya, instead of just another average teacher, however special he might be.
Maitreya could have been a successful person even on his own path, simply by using his charisma and above-average intelligence, just as the saying goes, “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” But in this case we would not be talking about Maitreya, but rather about the person who would later give up his vehicle to this divine Being, with his own virtues and limitations.
However, a “divine madness” moved Maitreya to always want to advance in spirituality. So he did not hesitate to reject some exotic world of success, as soon as he was faced with a request from the Hierarchy to suspend his work with astrology until the things of the New Age were more solidly established. Once again, this was not an initiative taken out of voluntarism or pretension, but in obedience to a suggestion in the Teachings of the Masters by which Maitreya had been guided at the time. All the great steps that Maitreya took on his spiritual path towards his enlightenment were always following the commands of his Masters, whether directly or through the Teachings conveyed by amanuenses.
After this rare Decision, Maitreya was taken to an Ashram linked to the Hierarchies to receive the blessings of the King of the World, who then appeared to him to greet his advances, especially now that they had been consolidated by his renunciation of power, considered in many circles as the greatest challenge in the life of a spiritual Initiate.
3. The Spiritual Cross
In this way, Maitreya was gradually prepared to face even greater challenges. The right people were then put in contact with him so that he could experience perfection in life, allowing him to begin to awaken that center that he was destined to activate now, which is the heart, through which true enlightenment is also achieved - considering then that in many cases the essence of this initiation is that of sacrifice, to a maximum and irreversible degree, so that the initiate may face the Threshold of Death itself...
There was therefore a special expectation in the spiritual worlds as to how Maitreya would face this difficult initiation, which also includes what can literally be called “the descent into hell”. We can get an idea of the drama of this scene when we know that, as a rule – and as Buddhists always remind us – Arhats who pass through this stage invariably die during their trials. Surviving this already represents a greater victory, and leads to the condition of Adept with all his glorious clairvoyance.
And so, Maitreya was initially left entirely alone to confront head on what could easily be classified as the manifestation of the Devil himself, with his almost endless capacity to exercise evil through malignant powers. Maitreya would now be determined to know intimately the powers of hell, being astonished by its strength and capacity to do evil gratuitously just for the sake of it.
With this, Maitreya began to suffer intensely and some latent problems that he had erupted, unleashing a great chain of illnesses. Maitreya thus found himself in a short time mortally prostrated. However, we will spare the reader further details about the immense sufferings that Maitreya suffered at this stage of his life. Even his family could not bear to watch from a distance the continuous austerities that Maitreya underwent in order to endure and eventually overcome all these trials.
During this course, the signs of Shambhala began to be shown to him as consolation and annunciation: intense rose perfumes and wonderful bells - just as Dakini Uruswati had predicted could happen. At this point, an ordinary initiate would have fainted. However, Maitreya always found some ingenious way to access energies and survive.
At a moment of extreme energy shortage due to the accumulated illnesses and torments that plagued him, Maitreya understood that he could absorb some energy directly from the crowd anonymously. This situation reestablished in Maitreya a strong feeling of belonging to humanity, as well as great humility and identification with everyone, something that would only become stronger after his enlightenment.
In order to end this senseless agony, Maitreya began to be received in the special healing centers of the Masters' inner ashrams, where millennia of experiences with sublime sciences of spiritual healing are accumulated. These experiences would be essential for Maitreya to acquire a new spirit.
Until finally the Masters Morya and Kuthumi decided to manifest themselves to Maitreya to reveal the true nature of their Mission and inform him about their past. Maitreya already had complete intimacy with the spirit and ideas of these Masters, through the sibyls they prepared to transmit the luminous teachings that formed the basis of their Plan to prepare Humanity for the New Era. Reciprocally, the Masters also had the deepest admiration for Maitreya, because he had, after all, been the student who had made the most of all these elevated instructions.
The presence of these Masters was announced by Hindu prophecies as two kings brought by Kalki, in the same way that Revelation 6:12 speaks of the arrival of the Kings of the East at the end of time. The Kalki Purana says about the coming of the Avatar:
“I will be born in the mansion of Shambala. I will place Maru and Devapi again on the Earth. I will create Satya Yuga and, after having destroyed the serpent Kali, I will return to my own abode.”
These names, Maru and Devapi, are associated with sacred dynasties of India, Dharmarajas or Dharma-Kings. Maru relates to the Mauryas, whose emperors became monks and religious men. Devapi is also a priestly name meaning “friend of the gods”, known as a Vedic prince who abdicated the throne in favor of his brother, and began to act as the king’s priest. Just as the Tibetan lineages of Kalkin Kings of Shambhala inspired by the myths of the Kalki Avatar were also Dharmarajas. They represent the dual forces of Priesthood and Royalty, which together form the sacred Synarchy as the essence of the Spiritual Government of the World.
Nor do we need to insist that the concept of the Magi in the Christian tradition – whose number is only estimated – breathes the same dialectical air; there is an esoteric version according to which the context of the Magi actually refers to the Illumination of Jesus symbolized by the Star of Bethlehem, thus approaching the episode of the transfiguration.
4. The Revelation
As we have seen, the Masters of the Initiate support and guide him from his earliest days, based on the karmic links that exist between them. Their influence naturally becomes clearer and more direct as the aspirant begins to live his initiations. In the context of the preparatory initiations for enlightenment, at a certain point the two main Masters meet with the Initiate to generate the energies necessary for the Initiation. The Third Initiation - symbolized by the Mountain of Transfiguration - is the most difficult - in terms of creative efforts - due to its high energetic tone. For this reason, these Masters begin to triangulate the energies with the aspirant in order to produce the necessary tone and thus he reaches his true Initiation, which is a situation that definitively places him on a new vibratory level.
Very rarely does an initiate reach this level of energy. However, this stage is crucial to prepare the aspirant for true enlightenment, which is the fourth initiation or the glorifying spiritual cross, a truly transcendental ordeal with the rising of the kundalini and which demands excellent preparation.
The idea of the Two Mentors is present in various traditions, such as Carlos Castaneda, who informs us of the need for a mentor for the outer world and another for the inner world. In the Apocalypse we have the mention of the Two Witnesses, but this actually refers to the spokespeople of these Masters in the form of exalted amanuensis pythonesses - and in this case they are Uruswati and Hamsini, to use their initiatory names.
In Maitreya's story, all this is presented as the work of the Master of the Soul and the Master of the Spirit. The Master of the Personality who preceded them corresponds to a certain Master whom Maitreya also met in the context of the physical ashrams where he lived. However, this time it is rather a question of the subtle ashrams and more advanced initiations. At this level, contacts are made only through the Initiate's own developed inner powers.
Morya was the Master of the Depths who brought the Teaching of the Illuminated Heart; through him Maitreya developed his Soul and solidified his discipleship. Kuthumi, in turn, was the Master of the Amplitudes who brought the Teaching of the Illuminated Mind; through him Maitreya developed his Spirit and solidified his transfiguration.
It turns out that Maitreya had laid very solid foundations to be able to take advantage of the best of these refined teachings. Many have studied this knowledge without penetrating its true depths. The difference in Maitreya's vocation is that he had laid traditional foundations on his journey, starting with his inner calling in Christ and then through years of intense training in ashrams or monasteries.
It turns out that a well-known reality in initiatory schools is that many aspirants fail to take advantage of the higher teachings because they often have not laid the necessary foundations of discipline and concentration through prolonged ashram retreats. And so they fail to work actively with the living energies of the universe, limiting themselves to working with the processes of self-purification and relaxation.
We are talking about the Saturn stage, a symbol of initiation and related to the organization of our material bases, in terms of cultivating good health, natural healing sciences, physical exercises and purification techniques, as well as regular contact with Nature, just like the good old karma yoga that Krishna places so much emphasis on in the Bhagavad Gita, of selfless and dedicated service to God and humanity. Without this objective basis, it is very difficult for other Yogas to achieve the purposes they are truly intended for.
Of course, all is not lost for all those people who have taken detours or false shortcuts, or have never even entered the sacred chain of Dharma. When we are not given the opportunity to achieve excellence in something important - after all, the true spiritual path requires a lot of inner effort and personal detachment - it is advisable to follow those who are given the opportunity to do so.
The Masters knew from all this that Maitreya was prepared to take on greater functions and to undergo the more advanced initiations that would qualify him for this.
What was revealed to Maitreya, however, on this occasion, he would not believe at first. The Masters informed Maitreya that he had been Jesus of Nazareth in his previous life. And noticing Maitreya's astonishment, Morya tried to reinforce the issue by asking him this rhetorical question: "Who else could you have been after all?!"
The Master's words remained echoing in Maitreya's mind for a long time, as if endowed with a power that only Truth itself possesses...
5. Acceptance
After overcoming the incredulity of the first impact of the revelation, Maitreya began to understand how much it all made sense, given his complete empathy with the Gospels and his own great spirit of sacrifice, for example. Maitreya's existence had been a life of superlatives. From surprising things to unbelievable things, often wonderful and others also unbearable, so to speak, but overcome through truly superhuman efforts of overcoming.
Maitreya could not deny the many parallels between his story and that of Jesus either - a pre-awakening at the age of 12, a long separation from the world at the beginning of his adult life and a cross at the age of 30, not to mention his disappearance after this, which would correspond to the long convalescence that Maitreya would still go through as a result of the traumas he had accumulated.
This fact further corroborated Blavatsky's statement that Maitreya would emerge in the seventh sub-race. The links between Maitreya and Jesus are broad and natural. At the root of everything lies the energy of the sixth ray that governs both the Age of Pisces and the sixth root race that is beginning. This fact therefore creates a natural current of energies for Master Jesus to return for a superior and more glorious mission in every sense of the word. The great esotericist Alice A. Bailey had already predicted this reality to occur “around the year 1980”, which was when Maitreya had his great spiritual awakening, reconnecting spiritually with Jesus, as his identification with the Gospels was total and absolute, leading him to abandon everything to follow the divine Master, as we have seen.
Naturally, the Masters did not come to tell Maitreya what he should do. His freedom and self-determination would always remain untouched. Maitreya already knew enough about theology and prophecies to estimate all the consequences of these revelations, and he would discover the rest himself in time, as he established his steps in his new hierarchical condition. The Masters came merely to establish the necessary connections between his past and his future, at that crucial moment when the great transition between his human condition and the future divine nature takes place.
Maitreya's positive Mission is, as the spokesman for a new racial dharma, to realize the syntheses of humanity's spiritual past, to affirm the content of the new racial initiations and to organize the new dharma regions of the planet. Nevertheless, Maitreya also has a planetary Mission of renewal of rounds or even more, so that great world movements can be expected from now on, thus accompanying and directing the great world trends. This is where the royal or solar symbolism of Maitreya comes in, which we will analyze in another study.
Despite everything, the Masters were moved because even though Maitreya had achieved greater accomplishments than anyone else, he still maintained his humility, in contrast to so many who, despite having achieved little, soon become filled with illusions about their capabilities. The case refers in fact to the tradition of biblical prophets symbolized by the story of Jonah who feared the mission given by God to preach in an inhospitable area, until he discovered that everything would work out and he would be well received. A true prophet does not take on a mission; he receives a Mandate from heaven and from this he comes to understand his own destiny.
The tendency of true prophets is to question their own capabilities and not to take on a title without any objective qualification. Good messengers, when they receive a Mission, generally try to prepare themselves for it in the best possible way, without hesitation or postponement. Many false prophets always appear declaring themselves to be the Messiah. However, there is a strict series of conditions for the appearance of an Avatar, in terms of time, space and initiation.
No prophet receives a mission as a gift or as a privilege. Since they know exactly the responsibility that such a thing entails, they would even prefer not to receive this task. In fact, they would like to pass it on to the first person who comes along who is at least minimally capable. They just don't delegate it to someone else, because they know that another person would not be able to meet the demands necessary for such a mission.
It turns out that Maitreya also knew the spirit of Christ quite well, and knew how far he still was from such an exalted Being. Maitreya gradually came to understand that Christ represents a whole, of which Buddha himself is only the central facilitator, like the hub of a wheel - a symbol always associated with Dharma. There is also the Dharma or doctrine to be zealously observed and the Sangha or community to be properly organized. All of this is part of the Great Buddhist Spirit, which can also be called the cosmic Christ or Vishnu.
The relationship between Jesus and Christ always represents a thought-provoking question. Alice A. Bailey prophesied that the coming of Christ is closely related to the demands of humanity. In the biography of Jesus we see that his initiations were stimulated by the recognition of the disciples - the descent of the Spirit in John's confession and baptism, and the transfiguration in Peter's confession. Jesus would thus be merely the pivot of a Whole and the link that unites the external Mission and the internal Order.
The true manifestation of Christ therefore represents a much more complex process, of which Jesus was only a central pivot, involving, however, the manifestation of a planetary Mission. So little by little this conviction only grew, as his new Mission matured, through the organization of vast knowledge and many other important confirmations - starting with the enlightenment itself that would determine the beginning of his great spiritual Victory.
6. Enlightenment
Maitreya thus saw that there could be a meaning to all his suffering, and with this he regained his spirits and began to strive once again to find a way out of his situation. He intuited that this should occur through access to greater energies, that is: through spiritual enlightenment. And so he began to research the most hermetic and reliable sources he had - especially within the esoteric literature that he had been particularly guided by in recent years, helping him in a precious way to find important keys to initiation.
Until after a few months of intense experimentation and a greater effort to survive, he finally managed to perform certain procedures that allowed him to raise his Kundalini. Two fiery serpents then rose up his spine, intertwining until they merged at the level of his heart, when a great ecstasy took hold of his entire being, and his personal energies began to acquire an immensely greater intensity. With this, the cures he had been longing for began to occur - in addition to providing complete immunity to the effects of spells - and he knew that it was only a matter of time before he began to recover. The cures that began to occur from then on were truly very powerful! At this time Maitreya was already suffering from partial paralysis of his legs, and with the enlightenment his organism soon began to create new nerve channels to allow the energies to flow back to Maitreya's legs.
His personal relief at this important achievement was therefore great. At the time, Maitreya had no idea of the profound benefits that this process could bring about for the entire planet, but its effects would soon be felt through the surprising planetary transformations that would begin to occur.
In fact, Maitreya's energies continued to grow significantly and increasingly, and to celebrate this, he joyfully wrote in huge letters on a wall in his city what could be the seed of a new theology or revelation: “God is the heart expanding into space.”
To know more
The Legend of the Kalki Avatar
Kalki and Padma – a cosmic encounter
Maitreya and the Serpentine Experience
See also
Four Key Points to be Revisited in Theosophy
2025 and the course correction in the New Era
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